Sunday, July 6, 2008

wat a day!...PIANO EXAM!!...

hahaxx..s u can c..2day was piano exam..grade 8..i tink i failed my aural...actually i think i failed my whole piano exam larhh..=]..wat lahh..susah u knoe!!!..sumore made mistakes punyalahh banyak!!....^^hehe.. home lorhh..ponteng dad dun let me go back 2 skool larhh..=)..hahaxx..

after this gotta go 4 trainning sumore...walao weih!!..tired lahh...ooh..listening 2 oh gravity now...
lalalalalala..*Oh, gravity, why can't we Seem to pull it together now..=] *

my seriously tight schedule:

last saturday- hari kantin, then go say buh bye 2 poo (qu wern)..
next saturday- wedding...
after that- hari anugerah..
next..- kem koko..
then,.....penang close jr.s tournament...

HAIYO!!...imagine that!!....waaa!!!

i'm out...



Anonymous said...

awh. sorry. WAHHH GRADE 8 ALREADY. I only took grade 5 exam like last week and i think I failed. messed up EVERYTHING. except maybe aural. but you won't know, cos the examiner won't say anything to tell you whether you're wrong or right. <_<
anyway, i'm sure you didn't do that bad. plus, you made it through all those other piano exams, i'm sure you'll make it through this one. :D

ps: my examiner was super nice and bubbly and smiley. :DDDDD

Anonymous said...

and oh em gee you were listening to O!G! hahahaaaa. ily. :D

Zoekucing said...

aww, i love u too...XD..haha..n yeah, i knew u wud love me 4 listening to it..=]..<3
